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0% VAT in Macedonia – Benefits for Office Operations Relocation

For US transportation companies looking to increase profits and make their operations more efficient, Macedonia is a great option. This country offers a special chance to move certain office tasks — like dispatching, accounting, safety, brokerage, after-hours support etc.

Rather than relocating entire businesses, the idea is to smartly shift some parts of the operation to use Macedonia’s economic perks.

Macedonia’s Attractive Fiscal Policies: 0% VAT and Low Corporate Taxes

Macedonia is attractive for its strong banking system and great tax deals, ranking it as one of the best places in Europe for business finances. Its tax advantages are especially notable, offering the best business taxes on the continent.

One key benefit is the 0% VAT (Value Added Tax) on transactions between foreign companies and Macedonian entities. This means that funds transferred from a US LLC to a Macedonian DOO for operational costs incur 0% VAT.  This policy, along with a low corporate tax rate of just 10% and similar rates for making profits, makes Macedonia an excellent spot for saving on operational costs.

Understanding Macedonia’s VAT System

Macedonia has the lowest VAT rate in Europe at 18% for most goods and services and an an even lower 5% rate for essential items. This gives businesses a big advantage

Our team, especially our accountants who are experts in this field, are ready to  guide you through the VAT registration and compliance process. This ensures that your business can maximize the tax benefits that Macedonia offers.

Relocate your LLC in Macedonia
Social Contributions: A Guide for Employers in Macedonia

Employer contributions to social security are clearly defined, with rates specified for: 

  • Health insurance: 7.5% 
  • Additional health insurance: 0.5% 
  • Pension and disability funds: 18.8% 
  • Employment insurance: 1.2% 


Our proficiency in working with the Public Revenue Office eases the complexity of social contributions for businesses expanding their workforce in Macedonia.


To sum up, if your goal is to save thousands on taxes every month and year, then relocating your office operations to Macedonia stands out as an ideal choice. It’s a unique chance to  relocate certain office tasks —like dispatching, accounting, safety, brokerage, after-hours support, and recruitment.

This strategic step not only leverages Macedonia’s 0% VAT on international transactions and low corporate tax rates, but also puts your business in a financially beneficial position. Our team is here to make this move smooth, helping you understand and use Macedonia’s tax benefits and regulations easily.

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